Friday, September 5, 2014

♥ My Girls ♥

Look at my beautiful girls! (^_^) No #26 is not a new doll. She's been here since May 2012. (Go ahead and check the archives, I'll wait. ^^) See, her name is Alanna and she was on a bit of a vacation. ^^; Saleen & Zoë said it was time for their little sister to join them. So they are now a trio instead of a duo. ^^ Kind of funny how she's the youngest sister when she's been here the longest. :-) I need to figure out how to write her into Saleen & Zoë's story.

Now that BeForever is a week old, I've been able to resume my normal daily routine. Not to mention being sick for week also helped prolong my historical hysteria. Remember when I said I wanted Addy and she would be coming home? Well, it may be quite sometime before I bring her home, if I bring her home at all. ^^; 

The new BeForever edition of the American Girl catalog arrived yesterday just to taunt me. Doesn't Addy look so beautiful?! 

So let me explain. I was talking about buying Addy with my 14yo daughter and she said I really don't want her because I've never mentioned her or had her on my list to buy before BeForever. O.o I told her the reason why she wasn't on my list was because of her hideous line eyebrows. Sorry for those who like them, I do NOT like them at all. Then she said the only reason why I would be buying her is because she's all new and shiny. Well yeah, she has feathered eyebrows now. LOL She told me to think it over before making my final decision. I guess I'll admit she has a point and I will think it over for the next few months since she's not going to be going anywhere any time soon. If I still want her say around Christmas which is 3 days before my wedding anniversary, I'll ask my hubby to buy as a gift for this year. :-P

So I guess we'll see what happens.