Monday, March 3, 2014

So Lovely!

American Girl Doll - Ivy Ling
Today was a beautiful day. No rain and my newest girl arrived today. (^_^) I was called a rude name on Instagram and I want to make it clear here, I don't want people to think I get new girls all the time, believe me I don't. I used to collect BJDs (ball jointed dolls) and I sold all of them to get my current girls. Furthermore I'm not a tween or teen, I have a teenage daughter plus a tween age son plus 3 other younger children. I'm an adult AG collector and I really enjoy all the amazing people I have met through it but I was kinda sadden and hurt by the name calling. But oh well, I'll just keep a stiff upper lip and keep it moving.

Sorry for the downer moment but on that note, my new girl did arrive today and she is beautiful! I think she gets a bum wrap too. I don't even know why either. I can't wait to introduce her to you guys tomorrow. ^^; She'll already here on the blog. ↑↑


  1. Ivy is beautiful! Whatever you were called, just remember that the person who said that likely has very little to do with his/her life. I love your new header, by the way! Didn't realize that you had so many Gal's :)

    1. Thank you for the compliments on both Ivy and my new header. Have you taken photos of your Ivy yet? I'm sure she would love to see some camera time. ;-) Yes I have 9 girls... well actually 10 but Josefina is kinda in a stage of being customized so she isn't quite camera ready. ^^; I plan to add 2 more girls and my collection will be complete.... for now. (^_^)

    2. She did get a bit of camera action while she was here, but I never clicked with her like I do with some dolls. Her, Julie, Mckenna, my first doll (and soon to be Emily and one Sam) have all meet the same fate on the 'Bay. I guess I'm a little crazy about being 100% happy with all my dolls, while staying under 9-10 total. For every 3 dolls I buy, 2 get sold :( I've learned to stick with customizing, but the spoilers for #61 caught me like no other. In a weird way, I'm a little afraid to buy new dolls because I've only ever had to sell ones I bought new, and I know I lose money once I sell them. Mckenna was the exception, as I sold her after retirement. Josie is my only from-AG doll out of 7 current Gal's (and one Guy) 0_0

    3. I totally understand what you mean. I finally found what direction I want my collection to go in and in my journey, I've re-homed quite a few dolls. ^^; I'm happy to say that all of my dolls now are keepers with the exception of Josefina. She's still on the fence and that's why you don't see her here. Of my current 9 girls, only 2 came direct from AG and those were gifts from my hubby. I did purchase Marie Grace direct but she has since found a new home. I love finding the hidden gems on eBay and fixing them up. (^_^)
