Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dance Class for Mini Izzy

I did a little photo shoot with mini GOTY Isabelle and this was my favorite photo. (^_^) Taking photos of the minis is a wee bit challenging because my lens keep focusing on the wrong things. LOL 

** Excitement Alert ** I have a new girl arriving very soon! Maybe you can figure it out from these two posts (here and here) who will be joining my girls soon. I've decided I need to stick to my original plans from those two posts instead of coming up with new ones and be possibly be disappointed. Wisdom obtained from my 14yo daughter who has been spot on about me and my hastily made doll decisions. I think upon her arrival I will be on a doll purchasing hiatus until around my birthday. Give my wallet a little time to cool down from my doll purchases. ^^; Any guesses as to who she is?