Yep, American Girl is running their annual Cyber Monday Sale which started December 2nd at 12am CST or 10pm PST where I live. (^_^) It was my first AG Cyber Monday and I'm really happy with my purchases. I was in and checked out within 5 mins... according to my receipt, my order was received at 00:05 CST. Here is what I picked up for my sweet Nevaeh.
Rosy Red Outfit for Dolls + Charm
Price: $18 Sale!
was: $36
you save: $18
Reindeer PJs for Dolls + Charm
Price: $13 Sale!
was: $28
you save: $15
Saige DVD
Price: $5 Sale!
was: $14.95
you save: $9.95
Well, the movie is for my girls and I to watch. I mean it was only $5 with free shipping, that's a deal I couldn't pass up plus we enjoyed watching the movie. I was also going to get the Kit and Molly movies since they are $5 also but I found this on Amazon:
This set I've seen direct from Amazon as low as $10.19 plus shipping and if you're a prime member, you get free 2 day shipping. Either way it makes more sense to buy it this way and save close to $10. If you get them as individual movies from AG for $5 ea plush $5.95 shipping plus tax, if applicable, which I have to pay tax from both sites. XP
Guess it's time to get the kids ready for school. LOL Happy Cyber Monday!