Friday, November 1, 2013

An Afternoon with Gisele (YT Video) + Creating a Collection!

I'm really trying to learn how to use YouTube. This is a whole new arena for me and I want to do it properly. LOL So the other day I did a photo shoot with Gisele with the intent of using some of the photos for my A Doll A Day Project as well as for a AGPS for My YouTube channel.

Yes, I know there are only 2 videos on there but I'm working on adding more. Let me just say it's not as easy as I thought it would be. Well I really didn't know what to expect BUT now with my first one under my belt, I can get better and improve with each new video. 8D I'm challenging myself to make one new YouTube video a week. Once I get the hang of it all, maybe I'll add more but for now... one a week will do. 8D

Also over the last couple of days, I've been designing a collection of dresses for my AGs and I'm really proud of how they came out. One style features a collar and puff sleeves. Let me just say, gathered, puff sleeves take a little getting used too.  The other style features no collar at all, it's the one Gisele is wearing in "An Afternoon with Gisele" video. I haven't created the sleeveless dresses yet because we are getting ready to enter Winter and the sleeveless versions can wait until the warm weather of Spring/Summer. But I already know they'll be super cute! 8D With the hard part figured out (pattern drafting and samples made), now it's time for the fun part... fabric shopping!

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