Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Attempting 1st BJD Faceup

Well my daughter is ready for her Misty (BBB Ariel) to get a faceup. So I wiped the original faceup the previous owner had on her off. It just wasn't our style. My daughter said that it was "too dramatic". LOL

Misty (BBB Ariel) Upon Arrival

Misty (BBB Ariel) After Previous Owner Faceup Removal 

I really did try my hardest to get all of the color off to be best of my ability and to what supplies I had on hand. I think I may invest in some other stuff to take faceups off because what I used was VERY labor intensive. 

Anyways, I thought I would chronicle my adventures in doing faceups. I mean I will have some more little ones that will be joining my BJD family soon and while a couple will be coming with faceups there are quite a bit that will not. I've gone back and forth with whether I should learn how to do them or not for quite sometime now and I've figured I might as well learn how to at least do a simple (natural) face up. :-)

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