Wednesday, July 18, 2012

BJDs Are Addictive and Resolution

It's true! They are just as addictive as Blythe. I had 5 Neo Blythe PLUS 17 LPS Blythe and Petite Blythe Cinnamon Girl. I have re-homed 2, Cappuccino Chat and Friendly Freckles (she went to my oldest daughter), bringing my current count down to 3. I'll admit I do have one of my dream girls on layaway. I'm excited because I'll be getting Neo Blythe Cinnamon Girl who will be paid off on the 26th and on her way home to me!

Now back to the BJD addiction. I have a few resin dollies in various stages of layaway.

Current Layaway List (in no particular order):
* Lati Yellow Xmas Elf ver Coco - 3/6
* Pukipuki Cupid (w/ both blank OE & SP) - 3/5
* 5Stardoll Tong Tong (head w/ company faceup) - Paid Off (Ships :: 7/18/2012)
* PukiFee Luna - 1/4
* Lati White Sp. Kong - 1/3
* Minifee Luka (blank sleep head) - Paid Off (Already sold... long story short, MNF bodies cost roughly $400 by themselves after shipping. TOTALLY out of my budget.)

No more new dolls until current dolls on layaway are paid off! Okay, at least more than half of my outstanding layaways are paid off. ^_^ I'm serious because I really want a LittleFee Luna or Rachel and/ or Ante. Not to mention my Tong Tong needs a body which I'm not sure if I should order straight from the company or go through Denver Doll Emporium which would be cheaper BUT a longer wait. Either way it's a pre-order and it'll take minute before it ships. Decisions, decisions, decisions... I'm definitely learning patience is a virtue.

BUT I can't put anymore dolls on layaway before getting my current ones almost completely paid off, otherwise I'd be working to pay layaways which wouldn't be good considering I have 5 human children (12 yo to 13 mos) who need necessities as well as wants, good thing my hubby is really supportive. So, I've decided to sell my dolly wears (for 18" American Girl, Blythe and tiny BJDs like Bobobie, Lati Yellow, PukiFee, PukiPuki and Lati White Sp) on etsy to help fund my dolly buying plus I need this creative outlet to fill the creative void in my life. So be on the lookout for sneak peeks and shop announcements.

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