Friday, April 20, 2012

Worry Wart (A Photo Story)

Worry Wart (photo story - pt. 1)

Candy: "Zoë, what's wrong?" 

Zoë: "Nothing." 

Candy: "I don't think that's true. Do you wanna talk about it?"

 Zoë: "I guess".

A Friendly Chat (photo story - pt. 2)

Candy: " So, what's wrong?" 

Zoë: "Remember when our person took my wig and gave it to Alexa? She told me I can Ginger's scalp because she has special plans for her. But I'm afraid that it's going to look stupid on me." 

Candy: " No it won't! Look at what our person did to my hair. I LOVE IT!" 

Zoë: "I love your hair too. Pink is pretty. I wish I could have pink hair." 

Candy: "No your red hair is going to look amazing. Just trust her. She won't stir you in the wrong direction. Just wait. Okay?" 

 Zoë: "If you say so." 

9/52 - A Little Encouragement (photo story - pt. 3)

Candy: "Trust me. You're going to look amazing." 

Zoë: "I hope you're right." 

Candy: "I am." 

Zoë: "Thanks Candy." 

Candy: "You're welcome. Come give me a hug."

Decided to do a photo story for my 52 weeks of Blythe photo shoot. My first time doing a photo story. Hope you liked it. :-)

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